Hey there! I'm Thuy, the brains behind Snug Spoon. With ten nieces and nephews, I've seen firsthand the challenges of parenting. That's why I started Snug Spoon, a family venture crafting baby products that combine style and function to simplify life for parents and delight their little ones.


  • We aim to be the top choice for parents seeking beautifully designed and practical baby products, making mealtime stress-free and enjoyable for families.


  • Snug Spoon is dedicated to making parenting a tad easier. Our high-quality, user-friendly tableware brings joy and ease to parents and kids alike, with safety as our top priority. From starting solids to independent eating, we've got your back.


  • Product Excellence: We deliver top-notch tableware that's both functional and aesthetically pleasing, rigorously tested for safety.
  • User-Friendly Design: Our spill-proof features make mealtime mess-free and fun for the whole family.
  • Customer Care: You're family to us. Enjoy a seamless shopping experience and prompt, friendly service.
  • Making Mealtime Delightful: We're all about turning mealtime into cherished moments. Join us in making smiles meet every meal.

Thuy Hook

Founder of Snug Spoon